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Tow Dolly Rental

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    Haul your vehicle using a rented tow dolly. Your local ARA-affiliated rental store can help you find the right option for your needs.

    Renting a tow dolly can be an easy and economical way to transport your vehicle. A rented car dolly is designed to keep the front wheels off the ground, and its low height and longer ramp are ideal for accommodating vehicles with low clearance. There are different makes and models that rental stores offer, so be sure to consult with the staff about your towing needs.

    Before you use this equipment, please review the tips below and read all manufacturer warnings and instructions. Your local, ARA-affiliated rental store professional can provide you with complete instructions.

    • Your vehicle must have lockable steering. Check your owner’s manual to make sure your vehicle has this feature.
    • A rented tow dolly cannot be used to tow mid- or rear-engine vehicles.
    • Be sure that the tow dolly is attached to your towing vehicle before loading.
    • Vehicles should be centered on the rented tow dolly and forward facing.
    • Do not leave people, pets or possessions in a vehicle being pulled by a rented tow dolly.
    • Be sure that the vehicle is stable by tightening tire straps before moving your tow dolly.

    Contact your local, ARA-affiliated, rental store for information on available rental products and services to meet your tow dolly needs. To locate the rental store nearest you, use the Rental Store Quick Locator above.

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